Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I buy my token?

To buy your token, have the following ready;

  • Your Debit or Credit card,
  • Your Meter Member
  • And Your Phone number.

Simply enter your mobile number on home page and click Proceed. The app or website will direct you on the few simple steps to take to buy your token.

2. Why is it sometime, it takes so much time to be redirected to the payment page?

Be patient, it is probably a network issue. If you lost connection, simply try ordering or call us on 090-1312-1214

3. What if it’s taking so much time for my token to be generated?

Be patient, it is probably a network issue. If you lost connection before the token is generated call us on 090-1312-1214

4. What happens if my Debit Card doesn’t work?

Contact your bank to activate your card for online transactions. Or try other payment methods including Ordering by phone by calling the numbers 090-1312-1214

5. How do I access my tokens?

Your token will be displayed automatically on the webpage upon successful payment and at the same time be sent to you via Text message and email (if you’ve registered with your email) simultaneously.

You can also access your tokens by going to the transaction detail of that particular transaction through your account menu

6. Can I print my token or bill?

Yes, you can, just go to the transaction details page by clicking on the transaction navigation menu, you will see all previous transactions made with date and time, click on the “show detail” button to display the detailed of that particular transaction. You will find the print button below which you can use to initiate printing of the bill.

7. What do I do if my token is not generated after payment?

Kindly contact us on 090-1312-1214

8. What payment options are available?

You can pay via your Card, Transfer (USSD), Internet Banking or by Phone Order on 090-1312-1214

9. How do I resolve any other issues I may have?

You can send a mail to, or using the contact form on  Or call us on 090-1312-1214
